Sunday, April 01, 2007

Wild Party Day 3

Just how much advil can you take and still count on having a liver? We missed David Costa terribly today, but we wish him much love as he prepares to open in Singing in the Rain as Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly role) with Aimee Doherty's adorable husband Jeff as Cosmo! (road trip!). Funny things heard around the rehearsal hall: "Just don't flail around"-Ken to Michelle-hilarious! I'm not sure why it is but it was and still makes me giggle. "I'm stuffing that one back inside" -again Ken. "I burned my eyeball with a curling iron, had to where sunglasses, gloves, and wispy bangs" -Betsy-Ask her about it. "So I just lay on top of you?-I'll crush you"-not naming names, "I'm not sure my body moves like that"-pretty much anyone in the cast can claim that one. There were more, but I can't remember them.
Today at play practice....I kissed a girl for the first time. (can't say as I ever thought I'd be writing that!) And it was Marla. Wow! It was actually pretty cool to just do it. Wasn't sure I could just do it honestly. I wasnt' sure how to do it, didn't want to do it wrong, or look stupid doing it. (not unlike the first time you kiss Anyone!). I don't know how it looked or how Marla felt about it. It just was. And it wasn't any different than kissing a boy-except, lucky for Marla (and me) she doesn't have razor stubble! (neither do I!-I can just hear you all chiming in!),It was very nice. And again, lucky for me, we have similar coloring so we won't have any trouble in the lipstick dept! Ha. One of my favorite moments so far, is shoving Paul Giragos (that made me laugh too).
We worked on choreo again today-what a suprise! Reviewing and building. After lunch we learned new stuff and can I just say-=it's damn sexy! For Juggernaut, Kelly has various pairs (and I mean various!), and trios, girls with girls and boys with boys and girls with boys too. I get a very sexy moment with Aimee D. and can I say? Makin me kinda hot! then I get a moment with Peri-and well,'ll just have to see the show. The rest, not wanting to give too much away, Michelle and Betsy with Ken and Andy M. are incredible. Flying, leaping, rolling around-moving like molten liquid. I just hope their wigs stay on! Paul, Ilyse and Brian have a smokin trio goin on and I can't believe that Ilyse can just flip over backward! Honestly can't remember what else is going on, sorry. I think there's some lifts and sexy back goin on with Maurice and Marla too. AND the song isn't half over!
I don't feel as sore today, that's good. I just hope I can remember what I learned for Tuesday. I think we're working some music, that's good-we could really use that. Everyone is working hard (that sounds stupid, everyone always works hard, but it's true) There is sooo much going on in this piece. Right now it just feels like a bunch of separate pieces but soon it will feel like one big flowing unit. I hope everyone rests up for our first full week. Most of the cast have other lives beyond the footlights. Day jobs to revist on the "day off", auditions to get to back in NY, families to take care of, laundry and groceries to do, homework and classes to get to. So our "day off" is our one chance to catch up on our everyday lives before we get to come back to work creating the world of Wild Party. Nighty night! xx Li

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww...I missed you guys too! "Singin' in the Rain" is going awesome. Thank you. I'm sorry I missed all those "trios." Hopefully, Li and I will have a moment in the show...