Sunday, July 08, 2007

"Side by Side" - First Preview

phew...well thats done with. opening performance nerves were very present last night, but thats to be expected and even hoped for i suppose. the whole cast kicked it last night, and kicked it hard.

it felt so much more comfortable to get up there and do the show with a live audience. performance instincts kicked in instantly, and it just felt like a conversation with the audience. i can't wait to do the show again today, to get that relationship back.

i have to say that I am in love with watching these people sing. i am in quite a priviledged position, being able to sit onstage and watch these artists work. its kind of like if a huge rolling stones fan got to sit on the stage and watch keith richards and mick jagger do their thing. how did i get so lucky?

anyhow, hope to see you at the theatre.

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