Saturday, December 22, 2012

Fully Committed” a Wicked Holiday Delight!

Holiday fare can often be hackneyed, vapid, or sickly sweet; luckily, New Rep’s production of Fully Committed is the perfect antidote.  Sitting in the audience, the relief of my fellow theatregoers was palpable, as we laughed, groaned, and gasped in delight at the wicked and wry script from Becky Mode and the astonishing performance(s) from Gabriel Kuttner. 

The show is a fast-paced send-up of the weird, wonderful, horrible, and quirky characters to be found in the world of high-class dining in New York City.  The story follows a day in the life of typically-nice Midwestern struggling actor (Sam), who is (mistakenly) solely responsible for the reservations department at a fancy eatery in Manhattan.  Kuttner, who gives us a likable and understandable put-upon Sam, also plays the dozens of horrid or bizarre customers trying to get a table, along with the slightly-sadistic chef and four or five of the other restaurant staff.  His ability to switch personalities in the blink of an eye – what accent work! – is breathtaking, and often blindingly funny.  His antics often reduced the audience to helpless laughter, but he never paused for the entire 75-minute show, mirroring the situation of poor Sam, who can’t even take a break for a quick lunch.

The director (Bridget Kathleen O’Leary) and sound designer (Bill Barclay) also deserve particular mention.  The timing of the sound cues was near-perfect, which can’t have been easy in a show that must include several hundred telephone rings and intercom buzzes.  All in all, this is New Rep at its best; excellent acting, design, and direction, coupled with an edge of dark humor.  I cannot recommend this show highly enough.  It unfortunately only plays until Dec. 30, so be sure to get your tickets soon!

~ Shauna Shames, New Rep Reviewer

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