Monday, April 18, 2011

The Last Five Years

The Last Five Years and its author, Jason Robert Brown, certainly attract a loyal following. The couple next to me appeared to know all the words and got excited for certain songs. After the show, I overheard another group talking about how they would go out of their way to see him or his works performed. I will admit that I am not one of his loyal followers. I've seen a few of his musicals (this was my second time seeing a production of The Last Five Years), and while they are pleasant, none have really struck a chord with me.

The play is a two character 80minute series of vignettes that show glimpses into a five-year period in the relationship of Cathy and Jamie. We get the see the journey of their relationship from when they are meeting, through marriage, and then separation. The work is inspired by the authors own relationship with his ex-wife. There is little interaction between the two characters as each is often either on stage alone or singing at the other person who isn't really there. There are some good numbers each gets to sing including "The Schmuel Song" as well as an entertaining audition sequence.

New Rep's production takes place in the Black Box where the space is reconfigured from the way it is often set up. The performance area is a strip in the middle of the space with the audience on either side. The set consists of two curved columns that feature a lot of blue and green and are illuminated from within as well as two stools. It works well for this show and in this space.

Aimee Doherty gives a stellar performance, as always. She does a great job at portraying Cathy throughout the relationship. She has a great voice that carries well in the space and manages to frequently connect with both sides of the audience. Mark Lineham also does a great job in his New Rep debut. His best moment (possibly the best in the show) is his performance of the very sweet Schmuel Song. At other times I found his character a little frantic going to each side of the audience, but an overall solid performance.

If you're a fan of this show of the show or composer, you will definitely love this production. If you're not an avowed fan, you will still have a good time with a short evening of theater.

Frank Furnari, New Rep Reviewer

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