Tuesday, May 22, 2007

London Arts Tour - Tuesday

Earlier today, Tuesday, we were privileged to discuss contemporary politics (mainly British, to some extent European, and to a lesser extent American) with Polly Toynbee, columnist for the Manchester Guardian who has won a number of awards and is, rightly, known as one of Britain's brightest commentators on political movements. Polly has written HARD WORK which involved much the same work that Barbara Ehrenreich explored in NICKLE AND DIMED. Her compassionate treatment of Tony Blair, which she certainly does not venerate, was an antidote to much that we have heard about the end of a 10 year run. She noted his accomplishments lay mainly in domestic economic-social policies including a prolonged effort to end child poverty (which has had actual results), similar attempts to avoid the growing gap between rich and poor, revitalization and refunding of the health system, the avoidance of economic crises with prolonged growth over an unprecedented decade, and the rise of private housing. Polly estimates that 70% of Britons now own their residences, a striking change which may have something, ironically, to do with a popular trend against Labor policies. Everyone I talked with following Polly's performance agreed that she was intelligent, eloquent, and yet conversational.

- Bill Brisk

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