Monday, February 21, 2011

Sometimes you just have to do it

My involvement in DollHouse began under rather understated circumstances. I was part of the run crew for the previous show (afterlife: a ghost story) and I happened to come to the theatre early one evening because of unpredictable traffic patterns. I ran into Joe O’Dea, the Production Manager, and started making small talk. I asked Joe questions related to the music that he listens to, his family, and the theatre. When I asked who was responsible for props for DollHouse, he replied by asking me if I was interested in the position. Despite the fact that I hadn’t previously considered doing props, I knew I just had to do it.

I have worked for New Rep more or less steadily for the past year and a half, in multiple capacities. During that time, I have been given the opportunity to know many people in the New Rep family and many fantastic actors and designers. I first worked with Bridget O’Leary (New Rep’s Artistic Assocaite and the director of DollHouse) and Chris Brusber (lighting designer) on boom last February. It was a great experience and one that I hoped I could repeat someday. Little did I know that the future was so quickly becoming the present. This past fall I worked on Boston Marriage with Rafael Jean (costume designer) and Jennie Israel (who played the role of Claire in Boston Marriage and will be playing the role of Christine in DollHouse). When I heard that I would have the opportunity to work with them again, I knew I just had to do it.

As I mentioned, I have worked for New Rep in multiple capacities. I have been a Production Assistant, Assistant Stage Manager, Scenic Carpenter, and over hire electrician, but never Props Supervisor. When I heard my new title, I was excited about being a Supervisor of something. I started thinking of this new challenge in the terms of an Indiana Jones adventure. Against the odds of budget restraints and conflicting opinions, I have been tasked with bringing the perfect piece of furniture to the theatre before the gigantic rolling stone of deadlines crushes me. Like Indiana Jones, I know that I will make mistakes and that in the end I will triumph. When faced with such an amazing challenge and bestowed with such an exciting title, I knew I just had to do it.

Sometimes you just have to do it.

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