Thursday, November 08, 2007

"A House With No Walls" - Food Drive

New Rep partners with the Greater Boston Food Bank for all remaining performances of Thomas Gibbons’ A House With No Walls. Tickets regularly priced from $35 to $55 will be sold for only $10 to patrons who bring a non-perishable food donation. New Rep hopes to gather 400 pounds of food for the drive over the next two weeks.

Friday, November 02, 2007

"A House With No Walls" - The Reviews

The reviews have started to hit:

The Boston Globe


Theater Mirror

And an interesting Blog

What do YOU think? Leave us a comment.

"A House With No Walls" - The Audience Arrives

We checked in with Director Lois Roach after opening night to see how it felt:

Lois: "Wow - I still get the butterflies on the first show when the house opens and there are people sitting there. With programs. With expectations. And when the magic begins and you can sense the feeling in the house and you begin to feel that what you were trying to communicate is coming

And this is one live experience that all in the room are having at the same time.
The laughter, the tears, the love - it all gets shared in one moment.

It's soooo nice when it all fits and flows. Whew!"