Thursday, August 30, 2007

"Streetcar" - Stumbling through a 'Stumble Through'

Today was a little crazy! We ran (stumbled) through the entire show for the first time, piecing all the transitions together. It was good to get a feel for the pace of the play, the tracking of props and costumes, etc. The lighting designer and the costume designer were there to watch and to get a feel for the production as well, with an eye toward their respective roles as designers.
The last couple hours of rehearsal were spent working on fight choreography. Seeing as how I wince every time someone grabs at someone else onstage, it feels safer and better to know that these moments are actually planned out so no one gets hurt, but so that at the same time the fights look very real.
On a side note, I had fun taking a trip to our props and costume storage space in Newton and pulling more things to use during rehearsal. Scott (our amazing production manager) and his amazing crew did a huge cleaning job there, and the place is SO much nicer and easier. Yay!

Monday, August 27, 2007

"Streetcar" - Sexily tragic; Tragically sexy

By now we have most of the scenes staged and they are already goosebump provoking and intense. These actors do not mark things. They go for it all the way, taking risks and not just waiting for performances to 'act'. The last scene we blocked yesterday (the scene between Stanley and Blanche right before the last scene of the play) was particularly engrossing to watch unfold. Rachel is so perfect for Blanche- every affect seems so nuanced and intuitive. Especially in that scene, I love how Rick, Rachel, and Todd worked together to simultaneously bring out the inherent sexiness and the tragedy of that situation. The end of the famous "Stella! Stella!" scene that they worked on earlier with Marianna is similar in that way. Those two seemingly opposite sides of the situation are blurred for the characters as well as the audience, and it makes the scene that much more compelling.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

"Streetcar" - On Its Feet!

Today we finished the discussion/table work on Streetcar and actually started staging the first scene of the play. I, having been a big fan of New Rep shows long before I began my involvement with the theatre, found it so interesting to see how these actors and this director worked together to create the blocking and stage business for these first specific moments of the play. It is such a combination of Rick's suggestions, the actors' own organic choices, the actors' chemistry together in the moment, and the playwright's already written-in stage directions. And that was only the first several pages!

Another thing to mention about the table work process with everyone: these are such fun people! I won't go into dirty detail about some of the hilarious stories that made certain people teary from laughing so hard, but I love the way that we can be uninhibited together (important for good collaboration anyway) but also really get down to business and learn a lot and do good work.

Monday, August 20, 2007

A Streetcar Named Desire- First rehearsal!

Hi, I'm Emily Brenner, the production assistant working on Streetcar. I've been appointed the exciting task of keeping a blog for this show. This is my first official season with New Rep, and I'm so thrilled to be a part of the production staff and to get to work with and learn from such wonderful people. That being said, I'll try not to gush too much in my writing, but I make no promises as I take my first steps in the world of blogging.

The full cast read-thru at today's first rehearsal was a pleasure to witness. I kept thinking what a terrific casting job Rick and Bevin did, because each actor seemed so perfectly fit for his/her role. You can just tell that this is going to be a great, dynamic group with good chemistry and energy (and a sense of humor on top of it all; they kept me laughing pretty consistently throughout the day). After reading through the play once, we went back over the beginning of the script in detail, picking apart certain lines and working out where/why/when/how the characters met one another and came to be in their respective circumstances. I find that kind of discussion ('table work,' in theatre terms) totally fascinating, especially when the play itself already intrigues me a good deal, which all of Tennessee Williams' work does.

This is going to be an amazing and educational experience and I look forward to months more of sharing it with you. Any comments would be most welcome.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

More Casting for 2007-2008

The Clean House
Charles - Will Lyman

Dessa Rose
Ruth - Leigh Barrett

tick, tick... Boom!
Michael - Brian Robinson

My Name is Rachel Corrie
Rachel - Stacy Fischer

Saturday, August 04, 2007

New Rep Studio - last day & performance!!!

Okay, so yesterday was our last day and we were all so so so sad to say goodbye. We did notes in the morning and then we had a run through that was by far much better than our previous ones. Everything came together, we had lots of energy, and we remembered all of our cues. After the run through we had more notes and then we broke for dinner. (It was definitely sad to be eating our last Panera dinner all together). After we came back from dinner we set our props, did our makeup, and waited for Lianne & Lina to call places. When it was time to wait in the wings we were all SO nervous.

The performance was AMAZING and as soon as we got on the stage, our nerves melted away. I want to congratulate all the girls for doing an amazing job. The audience really enjoyed it. Everything went so well, except the part where I fell out of the back of the wheelbarrow, but we just laughed it off. If we made any mistakes at all, people handled them perfectly and we all worked together to fix them. All in all, the show was fantastic.

As some of you may know, at the end of the show, it is a tradition to get the director a bouquet of flowers. But we had a better idea. Since Panera had become like our second home in these past four weeks, we decided to get ciabatta rolls instead. So at the end of the show we presented Suzanne (director), Dan (A. Director), Virgina (costumes), Kevin (music), Lianne (Stage Manager), Lina (A. Stage Manager) and Cheo (techy) with their very own rolls. I think they appreciated our creativity :)

After the performance we had a little reception where we all got to say our final goodbyes. About half way through, we all went down to the dressing room to get our things together and to just sit and talk before we split for the rest of the summer. There were tears and tons and tons of hugs. We must have sat and talked for at least 40 mintues. We talked about everything that had happened from first impressions, to the very last day. Eventually, our parents had to pry us apart.

Over 4 weeks, we have become like a family. I will always remember this camp and I know that we all stay in touch. I know that you girls will always have a place in my heart and I will always think of the good times we had.

I love you girls to death!!
