let's see. After the wonderful opening night, some of us woke up, sort of, and sang on the radio. A local station here, WERS-88.9, Standing Room Only, plays showtunes every Saturday from 10-2-Shoutin out to Jonathan Colby the fabulous host and his wonderful producer Jordan, so cute. usually i use my score when I do those things, but i had left it at the theater and thought i'd be ok. But I wasn't. When I learn things quickly, I get used to things being a certain way, and using muscle memory to remember what comes next. but i was only half doing my choreography and some of the starts to each verse are similar, so I went up. (that's what we call it when we F up the lyrics!!! or the lines),Embarrassing, but that's the thrill of doing something live I guess. I don't know what would be worse, singing out of tune or going up. I think, singing out of tune! So I'm glad I sounded good atleast. Aimee, Todd, Maurice and Sarah also sang and sounded so good.
Then it was off to do our first matinee. Kinda low energy. Rainy day, tired, I guess. It's hard to come in off a great opening and pull your energy up off the floor. But Marla was back on and that was fun. She sounded very good, and her parents and family were here too. I'm glad she could sing again. But Aimee went on again tonight to give marla some more time.
I have to say, I''m really liking our new menage up stage right with Kelly (or Aimee!) and Betsy (aka, Fancy) I'm pretty sure that Paul G. likes it too. I think we all have to say thanks to Rick : )!
I'm tired. mama needs to go to bed. My baby turns 8 tomorrow! How did that happen? Got bfst w/the fam in the am then off to the matinee then a family bday party for him when I get home. Other than that, nothing to do.
xx, Li
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Wild Party Preview #3 and Opening
Ok catching up. With all the excitement and put in rehearsals, I just haven't had the time to blog. Let's see. After the shortened show on Wed, we were all called in to the theatre on Thursday afternoon for the real put in. Aimee did specatacularly. And went on that night. She did unbelieveably well-kind of in a "Camp" kinda way (lol)-kidding of course!!! It was as if Aimee had been doing the show all along. Along with the hubbub surrounding poor Marla and Aimee, there has also been other "illness" etc in the cast-David Costa's eye infection-a very sexy pirate I might add, my own eye infection-in fact I was sitting in the dr.'s office when Marla called for advice about her voice, various muscle pulls, asthma-it ain't easy to do what we do and to make it look easy, but that's our job. The cast and crew have been spectacular as well. Only asking what can we do and always remembering to say thanks. To me, that's the most important thing-to feel like what you're doing is appreciated. So crew, you are appreciated!!! No one knows how much goes into the prep of such a large show and it's amazing how you do it with so few people! Led by Carola-the stage manager, Jen-ASM, Nathan, Scott, Connor, and Stephanie.
On Friday, after Marla tried to sing thru some numbers, it was decided that another day of rest would be best. So Aimee opened us up and it was great. The energy from the cast as well as the audience was great. I think mostly, we were so happy to finally be open. My number went well, I'm always afraid of forgetting the words. I go over them about a zillion times every day, and spend a good few minutes during Poor Child, trying to remember them while looking like I'm paying attention to what's goin on stage. But the work paid off and I got a really great and unexpected response. That felt really really good I must admit. Because, honestly, we bust our asses people. And we dont' always get to see what the pay off is.
Todd Alan Johnson, celebrated a rather large birthday! We were happy to help him celebrate. You don't look (or act) a day over 30-something. More fun tomorrow-Show's Frozen!! xx Li
On Friday, after Marla tried to sing thru some numbers, it was decided that another day of rest would be best. So Aimee opened us up and it was great. The energy from the cast as well as the audience was great. I think mostly, we were so happy to finally be open. My number went well, I'm always afraid of forgetting the words. I go over them about a zillion times every day, and spend a good few minutes during Poor Child, trying to remember them while looking like I'm paying attention to what's goin on stage. But the work paid off and I got a really great and unexpected response. That felt really really good I must admit. Because, honestly, we bust our asses people. And we dont' always get to see what the pay off is.
Todd Alan Johnson, celebrated a rather large birthday! We were happy to help him celebrate. You don't look (or act) a day over 30-something. More fun tomorrow-Show's Frozen!! xx Li
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Wild Party Preview 2?
Well, the excitement and the thrill of the THEATAH! Tonight the worst happened....our beloved Queenie lost her voice. Before the show, she said that she was feeling hoarse and that things sounded "iffy" vocally. We weren't sure what was going to happen. Poor Marla. Poor Aimee (Marla's u/s). She was standing there, lookin calm as can be, puttin on her make up, going over lyrics-just in case. Making sure that Marla didn't feel bad about the fact that she (Aimee) might have to go on without a put in (that's the rehearsal where the u/s walks the show with the cast, so she knows where to go!). And Poor Marla not wanting to let anyone down....Ulitmately, after a call to my ENT -the godly Tim Anderson-(and his saintly resident Jen Chin), Marla decided to give it a go. The show opened fine and the first number went well, although we could tell that Marla didn't feel good, I'm sure the audience had no idea. She was a trooper. But right after my number, literally just seconds after belting my face off, I hear-HOLD PLEASE!. Now, I wish I could say that this was the first time this had happened to me after my big number on the New Rep stage but alas, no. During Ragtime, I had literally just sung ".....back to before!"......I hear HOLD PLEASE!. house lights up. I'm like what? I get off stage to find that the Brockton middle schoolers (i don't really remember where they were from ) had to catch their bus! (their bus ended up leaving w/o them! so they came back for the talk back), So when it happened again, I'm like WHAT?! seriously. I should tell you that this was all an elaborate set up by my crazed fans cuz I don't do enuf in the show. (lol) Rick made the announcement to the audience that because of Marla's illness it would be better to refund tix and offer more to come back to see the show on another night. The cast then changed and got ready to do Aimee's put in. God Bless that Aimee. She did amazingly well! Being an understudy is, In my opinion, one of the hardest and most thankless jobs around. It's completely under appreciated. Well not in this case. Aimee totally rocked and will be fabulous. Not Marla, no one is Marla-she's fantastic of course. But Aimee brings her own flavor to the role and can and will more than hold her own out there tomorrow night. I'm so proud of her and the rest of the cast the way they step up to the plate. See the situation, and don't ask "what about me? " But what can I do to help make this work. We wish Marla the best, our hearts go out to her. Having just spent a week on vocal rest, I understand only too well, how freaking scary and terrifying the possibility of being without your voice is. It's who we are, whether you're a singer or just a regular person (ha), our voices give us expression, a way to communicate certainly but it's so much more than that. Often it's what defines us and makes us feel a part of what is going on around us. Without it, we feel helpless, hopeless and lost. We love you Marla-be quiet and get better! What a Party! What a Night! (now I get to make out with Betsy!) xx, Li
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Wild Party Preview 1
Ok, it was pay what you want night (i kept saying, pay what you weigh-ha), we had a really huge crowd, surprisingly big. The energy of the cast, I think, was electric, but freaked. We just weren't sure what was going to happen-with the band, with the costumes-quick changes-we just haven't had the time to sit with some of the elements. But we did, and quite spectacularly I might add. It never ceases to amaze me how actors can rise above anything and make the magic happen in spite of what might be falling down around them. How we can lift and support one another (and that doesn't always happen), it's good to know that someone has your back. It wasn't perfect but it was thrilling. Somehow, I lost a bra strap, no idea how that happened. Ilyse lost her mic pack and had to shove it into her dance pants. My favorite part tonight was getting thru my number without messing up the lyrics (a great fear of mine), and lying on the pouf with David Costa, though my arm started to fall asleep, got to find a new position.
Ok off to bed! got to do this again tomorrow! that's what i both love and hate about live theater. It's so thrilling to get it right but then you have to get it right again!
xx, Li
Ok off to bed! got to do this again tomorrow! that's what i both love and hate about live theater. It's so thrilling to get it right but then you have to get it right again!
xx, Li
Monday, April 23, 2007
wild party day off
thank god for Monday. This is an actor's weekend. Yesterday we stumbled thru the rest of the act and made it to the end. No one was killed, that's always good. Wigs stayed on, costumes that were supposed to stay on did, though that's not many!
Favorite moments in the show so far: (in no particular order) backstage right at places with my boys-Maurice, Paul, Andy, and Ken and our backstage right "circle". (Love that). Just before the curtain goes up, get our "sexy on" with Betsy's mix tape in the girls dressing room, boxing with Betsy, doing the funky dance with Ken and David in Let Me Drown, lying on the pouf with David, making out with Aimee!!!, watching Jeremy dance, seeing Ilyse get flipped around by Jake, singing Come with Me backstage with Sarah, Peri, David, Brian and Paul-we're all naked and it's where the really sexy happens! (forget those hot sexy dancers on stage! lol), Marla's last song.
I think, for those of you who are not in the show and who might be wondering if this is a show for you-first I would say-do not bring the children-teens perhaps-but no one under 10! But I think you'll love the music, you'll be pulled in by the lives of every character and you'll go home and want donuts!
Favorite moments in the show so far: (in no particular order) backstage right at places with my boys-Maurice, Paul, Andy, and Ken and our backstage right "circle". (Love that). Just before the curtain goes up, get our "sexy on" with Betsy's mix tape in the girls dressing room, boxing with Betsy, doing the funky dance with Ken and David in Let Me Drown, lying on the pouf with David, making out with Aimee!!!, watching Jeremy dance, seeing Ilyse get flipped around by Jake, singing Come with Me backstage with Sarah, Peri, David, Brian and Paul-we're all naked and it's where the really sexy happens! (forget those hot sexy dancers on stage! lol), Marla's last song.
I think, for those of you who are not in the show and who might be wondering if this is a show for you-first I would say-do not bring the children-teens perhaps-but no one under 10! But I think you'll love the music, you'll be pulled in by the lives of every character and you'll go home and want donuts!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
WP tech day 3 or 4
Bright sunny day, most beautiful weather we've had in weeks! and we're locked in the theatre for hours on end. Luckily, the fog and haze set off the fire alarm and we got to spend some unexpected time outside. We all acted like 4th graders....we filed out of the building in a line, then some of sat on the grass and ate fruity cheerios, while some did acrobatics (and some shouldn't have) and some played telephone. (the theatrical fog is obviously doing something to our brains). Ha.
We finished teching the show w/o costumes, sort of, before dinner. Took dinner and came back to finish in costume. Everyone looks fantastic! It's amazing the step the show and the characters take when the costumes enter the equation. Frances has done an amazing job. Looking forward to running the show and not hanging out in the haze. It's very drying. But the visual effect is cool. Teching a show is when we figure out how all the elements come together. Sound, lighting, costumes, set changes, props etc. It's often the first time an actor has a chance to play with a prop or set piece. It's fine to find your spike mark in the light (spike mark is a mark on the floor with tape, so that you know where to place an object. Often different colored tape is used to denote different placement of the same object from scene to scene). But try to find it in the dark! That's why we use glow tape. (that's pretty much exactly what it sounds like, tape that glows). You find things out about your costume or your wig. Like will it stay on when I'm turned upside down (not me of course-A. using my own hair and B. don't get flipped upside down!). Jeremy had trouble bending in his pants (lol). Quick changes get figured out. (quick change is when your costume changes very quickly (ah) often you only have seconds to make a complete change. In Souvenir, my fastest change (complete costume-jewels, gloves etc) was done in 32 seconds! I had help) It will all get sorted out. The end of the show has something for everyone, girls in their underwear, boys in their underwear, big belty voices!
Another lovely day, another day of tech in the theatre. maybe there'll be another fire alarm!-xx Li
We finished teching the show w/o costumes, sort of, before dinner. Took dinner and came back to finish in costume. Everyone looks fantastic! It's amazing the step the show and the characters take when the costumes enter the equation. Frances has done an amazing job. Looking forward to running the show and not hanging out in the haze. It's very drying. But the visual effect is cool. Teching a show is when we figure out how all the elements come together. Sound, lighting, costumes, set changes, props etc. It's often the first time an actor has a chance to play with a prop or set piece. It's fine to find your spike mark in the light (spike mark is a mark on the floor with tape, so that you know where to place an object. Often different colored tape is used to denote different placement of the same object from scene to scene). But try to find it in the dark! That's why we use glow tape. (that's pretty much exactly what it sounds like, tape that glows). You find things out about your costume or your wig. Like will it stay on when I'm turned upside down (not me of course-A. using my own hair and B. don't get flipped upside down!). Jeremy had trouble bending in his pants (lol). Quick changes get figured out. (quick change is when your costume changes very quickly (ah) often you only have seconds to make a complete change. In Souvenir, my fastest change (complete costume-jewels, gloves etc) was done in 32 seconds! I had help) It will all get sorted out. The end of the show has something for everyone, girls in their underwear, boys in their underwear, big belty voices!
Another lovely day, another day of tech in the theatre. maybe there'll be another fire alarm!-xx Li
Friday, April 20, 2007
Wild Party19
Ok so, we got out 10 minutes early! that was nice. We got a 2 hour dinner break, so we got to go outside and eat our dinner. The weather was lovely and it was nice to get out of the theatre for a while.
So we've almost made it to the end of the show-very nice. There is a lot going on, toilets moving around, spinning tubs and beds-to say nothing of the dancing, singing and acting. Tomorrow we'll finish tech do a run take dinner and do a full costume run. Very exciting to see it all come together.
The voice, is back more or less. It doesn't feel perfect to me but it's getting there. Can I confess that the "theatrical fog" although safe, is hard on the chords and the nasal passages?
We did our sitzprobe on Wed (that's when we can sit with the score and work with the band). The band sounds phenomenal.
I think we'll have the band tomorrow night. Ok late night, early morning.
xx, Li
So we've almost made it to the end of the show-very nice. There is a lot going on, toilets moving around, spinning tubs and beds-to say nothing of the dancing, singing and acting. Tomorrow we'll finish tech do a run take dinner and do a full costume run. Very exciting to see it all come together.
The voice, is back more or less. It doesn't feel perfect to me but it's getting there. Can I confess that the "theatrical fog" although safe, is hard on the chords and the nasal passages?
We did our sitzprobe on Wed (that's when we can sit with the score and work with the band). The band sounds phenomenal.
I think we'll have the band tomorrow night. Ok late night, early morning.
xx, Li
Wild Party 18
I think it's day 18, I've lost track. We're in tech now, which means that the actors, designers, directors, stage management etc-won't see the actual light of day or their friends and family for the next 3 days-Monday will come soon. This is short, but tech is long-more later-xx li
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
wild party day 16
here we are in tech week. Today was choreo clean up day and I think it helped. Sang thru my number and it was weird to be singing again. As singers, we play alot of head games. So much of singing is in your head. When you can get your head out of your way, you can let your voice sing, free and clear. But often we can't get our heads out of the way. Vocally I feel much better, still missing the control that i'm used to-i think it's a head game for me right now. Todd G. was terrific and we worked some stuff out (sorry about your low notes Louis).
Back in tomorrow-what a surprise-i think we're doing a run thru, our last one in the rehearsal hall. It'll be fun to finally be on the stage, in the place we'll call home for the next month, more space too. yay
Ok done, off to bed
xx, Li
Back in tomorrow-what a surprise-i think we're doing a run thru, our last one in the rehearsal hall. It'll be fun to finally be on the stage, in the place we'll call home for the next month, more space too. yay
Ok done, off to bed
xx, Li
Sunday, April 15, 2007
wild Party 15
So, The Come Me With Me choreo looks fantastic! They're all half naked and it's sooo hot! And I'm so glad that I'm not in it!! But I'll be singing backstage on the mic naked. Me, Paul, Brian, Peri and David all naked singing backstage-that's hot. Well....
Then we did a stumble thru. More stuck in the right places and more questions came up. I hope I can remember the show when I'm singing it!
That's it....day off tomorrow, in at 2 on Tuesday WITH a voice!
xx, Li
Then we did a stumble thru. More stuck in the right places and more questions came up. I hope I can remember the show when I'm singing it!
That's it....day off tomorrow, in at 2 on Tuesday WITH a voice!
xx, Li
Wild Party 14
and wild weather! Not called until 2 today. They're starting with Come With Me, and I'm not one of the couples rolling around on the floor, so i got to sleep in. Trying to memorize lyrics-weird doing that when you're not actually singing them. I'm looking forward to singing on Tuesday. And a little bit scared of it. This is the longest I've ever gone without talking or singing. Well, recently except for jaw surgery. It's hard not to just sing with the radio or sing a lullaby to the boys or just chime in on a conversation. I've started to speak and warm up for about 5-10 minutes a day. I couldn't expect to just waltz into rehearsal on Tuesday and sing full out without having done anything for a week! That would be like running the marathon on a whim.
Yesterday was choreo review and we learned some new stuff. There's soo much in this show....I have done Chorus Line, I will confess-I was Morales-hilarious-I couldn't be less of a Morales-that was YEARS ago in summer stock-so I can dance and I can do choreography-I just don't remember the really dancy stuff and of course I haven't done this much dacne in a very long time.
Once we've learned it and we're just running it, it won't be so hard (I say that now). The hard thing now, is doing things over and over. It's gonna be good and it's certainly gonna be wild.
Okay, that's it. Boring, sorry. Got to get to work
xx, Li
Yesterday was choreo review and we learned some new stuff. There's soo much in this show....I have done Chorus Line, I will confess-I was Morales-hilarious-I couldn't be less of a Morales-that was YEARS ago in summer stock-so I can dance and I can do choreography-I just don't remember the really dancy stuff and of course I haven't done this much dacne in a very long time.
Once we've learned it and we're just running it, it won't be so hard (I say that now). The hard thing now, is doing things over and over. It's gonna be good and it's certainly gonna be wild.
Okay, that's it. Boring, sorry. Got to get to work
xx, Li
Saturday, April 14, 2007
WIld Party 13
So I'm blogging as I head out the door. Have to be at rehearsal at 10 oy-just enuf time to kiss the boys and have some coffee (decaf-why bother!). I'm running out of "snappy" outfits to wear for all this dancing. Everyone looks so cute in rehearsal. Color full dance bras, little shorty shorts-and that's just the boys! lol. Don't want to just wear sweats and a tshirt, then everyone will really know that I'm just a "mover" not a dancer. Cuz right now, I think I have them pretty much fooled.
Yesterday was really really productive, we did our work thru of the show,so we could see where the holes are. For ourselves and artisticly. For me, personally, there weren't as many holes as I expected. I'm sure that once I can talk, that'll completely screw me up. Poor Michelle has to wear just a bra and some boy shorts (very short boy shorts), but she's unbelievably adorable to say nothing of a killer bod, so she'll pull it off, I just hope she stays in (wink).
We started at the top and ran a section, then did notes, and did it again. That was kinda hard, cuz some of the dance stuff is really fast. And thank God, we'll never have to do it that quickly back to back.
After rehearsal some of us took a field trip to see David Costa in Singing in the Rain. It was such a good show, and David was of course Brilliant. I honestly don't know how he can go from our rehearsal, dancing is butt off and then to SITR! It's not like, he just had a walk on....he was Don Lockwood, the Gene Kelly part!!! He was great and we were soooo proud of him. Not to mention, Jeff Mahoney, Aimee D's husband...12 shades of cute and hilarious. He was Cosmo (the Donald O'Connor part). I can't believe he doesn't walk away in a body cast the way he throws himself around. Ok, gotta run, can't be late
xx, Li
Yesterday was really really productive, we did our work thru of the show,so we could see where the holes are. For ourselves and artisticly. For me, personally, there weren't as many holes as I expected. I'm sure that once I can talk, that'll completely screw me up. Poor Michelle has to wear just a bra and some boy shorts (very short boy shorts), but she's unbelievably adorable to say nothing of a killer bod, so she'll pull it off, I just hope she stays in (wink).
We started at the top and ran a section, then did notes, and did it again. That was kinda hard, cuz some of the dance stuff is really fast. And thank God, we'll never have to do it that quickly back to back.
After rehearsal some of us took a field trip to see David Costa in Singing in the Rain. It was such a good show, and David was of course Brilliant. I honestly don't know how he can go from our rehearsal, dancing is butt off and then to SITR! It's not like, he just had a walk on....he was Don Lockwood, the Gene Kelly part!!! He was great and we were soooo proud of him. Not to mention, Jeff Mahoney, Aimee D's husband...12 shades of cute and hilarious. He was Cosmo (the Donald O'Connor part). I can't believe he doesn't walk away in a body cast the way he throws himself around. Ok, gotta run, can't be late
xx, Li
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wild Party 12
Dr. this morning-swelling is going away! YAY! but it appears I have a fungal infection...what? From putting my foot in my mouth? Ha-on new meds and the fingers are still crossed. Definitely improving.
Today was "let's watch Queenie and Black get it on, on the bed that's too big and too high." It was kind of like watching two very small people in a Giant's house (that was 2 shows ago....) I think the bed will get lower (and it spins! not on it's own though-Andy and Jake will move it) Though the bed is a bit large, the singing is fantastic-Maurice and Marla sing their faces off AND take off their clothing!
Have to give a shout out to my monkey peep Jeremy...he plays Jackie (the sweet dancer-he's the one who does the fabulous russian leap off the pouf-are you keeping up? If necessary please refer back to previous posts regarding the vocabulary-ie pouf, russian etc) Anyway, he has an absolutely beautiful solo dance number in Act 2. (we're supposed to be asleep at that point, but I think I'll sleep with one eye open so I can watch it every night) LOVE IT!.
We staged the fight today as well. TAJ and Jake (Burrs and Eddie), have done all the fight choreo with Rick and it looks pretty convincing. (fight choreo is what you do to keep the actors safe. You actually choreograph the fight like a dance. Only it's a dance where you get punched in the face or kicked in the groin-fun, though that did happen in the actual choreo didn't it Fancy?). Tomorrow we begin our work thru. That's when all the stuff is learned (supposedly) then you go back and make it look pretty. You polish it up, you refine, you tweak. It's good to be able to do that a week before tech. Sometimes you're doing that right up til opening. Some of you may know this, some will not. On this contract, a NEAT teir 7 (i think),we only get about 3 weeks rehearsal.We rehearse 10-6 every day but one, Monday. Then we have a week or so of tech. Where get onto the stage, and work out all the kinks, the spacing, the lighting, costume changes, dance moves, set pieces. Etc. We call these 10 out of 12s. That's where we can work 10 out of 12 hours. WHoo Hoo. Broadway shows get months and a few weeks or more of previews before they open. I've put up shows in 8-13 days. That's top to bottom! From first day of rehearsal to opening....that ain't easy! All those lyrics, dance steps, not to mention the book scenes!! I'm really not sure that people understand what we accomplish in such a short time, with very little budget and with very little personnel. (the behind the scenes people-the stage managers and Assistant stage managers, dressers, etc.)
well, i've got to spend some time with my kids, I can't talk to them so I've got to atleast go look at them! I mouth things to them, they're used to this. Though this is more extreme than any other time I've imposed my own vocal rest. But they do have fun with it at my expense. My eldest said once "What mom? Little Timmy's down a well?"
xx Li
Today was "let's watch Queenie and Black get it on, on the bed that's too big and too high." It was kind of like watching two very small people in a Giant's house (that was 2 shows ago....) I think the bed will get lower (and it spins! not on it's own though-Andy and Jake will move it) Though the bed is a bit large, the singing is fantastic-Maurice and Marla sing their faces off AND take off their clothing!
Have to give a shout out to my monkey peep Jeremy...he plays Jackie (the sweet dancer-he's the one who does the fabulous russian leap off the pouf-are you keeping up? If necessary please refer back to previous posts regarding the vocabulary-ie pouf, russian etc) Anyway, he has an absolutely beautiful solo dance number in Act 2. (we're supposed to be asleep at that point, but I think I'll sleep with one eye open so I can watch it every night) LOVE IT!.
We staged the fight today as well. TAJ and Jake (Burrs and Eddie), have done all the fight choreo with Rick and it looks pretty convincing. (fight choreo is what you do to keep the actors safe. You actually choreograph the fight like a dance. Only it's a dance where you get punched in the face or kicked in the groin-fun, though that did happen in the actual choreo didn't it Fancy?). Tomorrow we begin our work thru. That's when all the stuff is learned (supposedly) then you go back and make it look pretty. You polish it up, you refine, you tweak. It's good to be able to do that a week before tech. Sometimes you're doing that right up til opening. Some of you may know this, some will not. On this contract, a NEAT teir 7 (i think),we only get about 3 weeks rehearsal.We rehearse 10-6 every day but one, Monday. Then we have a week or so of tech. Where get onto the stage, and work out all the kinks, the spacing, the lighting, costume changes, dance moves, set pieces. Etc. We call these 10 out of 12s. That's where we can work 10 out of 12 hours. WHoo Hoo. Broadway shows get months and a few weeks or more of previews before they open. I've put up shows in 8-13 days. That's top to bottom! From first day of rehearsal to opening....that ain't easy! All those lyrics, dance steps, not to mention the book scenes!! I'm really not sure that people understand what we accomplish in such a short time, with very little budget and with very little personnel. (the behind the scenes people-the stage managers and Assistant stage managers, dressers, etc.)
well, i've got to spend some time with my kids, I can't talk to them so I've got to atleast go look at them! I mouth things to them, they're used to this. Though this is more extreme than any other time I've imposed my own vocal rest. But they do have fun with it at my expense. My eldest said once "What mom? Little Timmy's down a well?"
xx Li
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Wild Party 11
So today at play practice-there were a lot of costume fittings. I can only imagine the enormity of Frances McSherry's task. To costume everyone in the play, shoes, undergarments, wigs etc, on what I assume is a modest budget. Building things such as my wonderful tuxedo suit(see the picture on the blog). I'm actually grateful to be wearing my own hair. (yes that's my own hair-I got a review once that said something about my fantastic fright wig and it was in fact, my own hair-nice). She's doing a great job. More choreography. Never thought I'd be putting TAJ in a bathtub-or that I'd be dancing around a toilet on wheels. Gotta love musical theatre. More choreo today, going over some Act 2 music-still no talky no singy. Seeing the ENT tomorrow, I have my fingers crossed that things look better. The cast has been very understanding of my predicament (and the artistic staff of course). It's kinda funny, just like when I had my jaw wired shut (no Peri it wasnt' because I was enormous and my parents wanted to stop me from overeating!-I have/had terrible TMJ and an underslung jaw, like a bulldog-attractive and so I had it fixed), people get close to me, as if they'll be able to hear me if they're close. I'm not making any sound, so that's probably not going to help. Or they talk loudly as if, because I can't talk, I must also not be able to hear. Or slowly, like I'm mentally not all there or foreign. It's funny, in a sick sort of way.
It's fun to come in to rehearsal and see everyone working out! What a buff cast! push ups and crunches. A cast favorite is "the plank". Great for the abs. We should have a best abs, best buns contest. I think I know who would win that. I gather Marla is a spin class enthusiast. Betsy has quite a lump on her head, but I think she's ok. When you see her just call her "fancy".
I wish I had a camera to record Rick climbing on top of Paul "boxstep" Giragos, but it's burned into my memory. Paul did get his wish today, Kelly added a boxstep in "Let Me Drown" and Paul got to show us his magic. That's all I guess. More fun tomorrow.
xx, Li
It's fun to come in to rehearsal and see everyone working out! What a buff cast! push ups and crunches. A cast favorite is "the plank". Great for the abs. We should have a best abs, best buns contest. I think I know who would win that. I gather Marla is a spin class enthusiast. Betsy has quite a lump on her head, but I think she's ok. When you see her just call her "fancy".
I wish I had a camera to record Rick climbing on top of Paul "boxstep" Giragos, but it's burned into my memory. Paul did get his wish today, Kelly added a boxstep in "Let Me Drown" and Paul got to show us his magic. That's all I guess. More fun tomorrow.
xx, Li
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Wild Party Day 10
It was rather odd being at a rehearsal for a musical and not being able to speak, let alone sing. I have to say, it is probably one of the most depressing situations to be in. I'm not generally an overly optimistic person, but I have to believe that it will come back, it has to. Perhaps this is some karmic attack for saying something not so nice about someone. We look for meaning in the things that happen to us don't we? And the odd thing is, that I lost it the day after I sang for Easter Sunday services. What does that mean? But I must say Todd G. makes a pretty convincing lesbian! Everyone is snuffling and coughing-it ain't pretty. But, again, better this week than next or God forbid, the week after that. We ran Act One. And it did just that, it ran. No one died, but someone did get hit in the head. Poor Betsy ended up with a pretty big lump on her little noggin during a dance number. I'm not saying who, and I'm not even sure which number it was. During the run, I found myself confused about what comes next, and how and why I end up in certain spots. Again, Todd G. sang my number for me and I seemed to remember all the movement in it, with one exception. After that, it was lunch, then notes. Notes, are when the director tells us what went right and what went wrong, with the run through. And what to change. The actors ask questions etc. Then we ran music/learned for Act Two (also odd, not being able to speak-lessons everywhere) and started to stage it. We got to leave early (YAY!) cuz alot of the first part of Act Two is just the principals. I'm not called until 11 tomorrow YAY!. Maybe if I pray to St. Anthony my voice will come back. He's the patron St. of lost things right?
xx, Li
xx, Li
Monday, April 09, 2007
wild Party Day 9
So today is our day off. Yesterday, everyone brought in their left over easter candy for the cast/crew coffee table, and it was pretty much gone by dinner break. I think we needed the sugar. We worked our butts off, literally and figuratively. We finished the juggernaut-I think. I'm actually not sure. But we did a lot of dancing. Changed some stuff, and fixed other things etc. (wow that was specific). It was a long day. Some of us went to get a bite to eat at a very cute place in Harvard Sq. where Betsy is a server. I learned a lot about what to say and what not to say to a server. Very enlightening. It was nice to spend some time getting to know each other, away from the rehearsal space. What makes everyone who they are, why do they do what they do. Don't know everything, but we're getting to know and everything we know will help us with our onstage relationships. Though we did end the evening trying to talk thru the sequence of Act one. So there's really no escape. lol
Some bad personal news:
On the way home I felt like I couldn't cough the crap off my chords, very odd but not unusual if you have GERD. And then when I woke up this morning, I had no voice. PANIC!!! (this doesn't happen to me-I don't mean because I'm immune, I mean cuz i try to take great care of my voice. When I'm singing, it's like being a professional athlete. I don't smoke and I try not to be around it, I don't drink, I try to sleep enuf, I work out, and I warm up-all the stuff you're supposed to do) I called my ENT (otolaryngologist) and cried hysterically while I waited for him to call me back. Luckily he took me right away. Thank god. He's just the best, Tim Anderson at Lahey. We scoped my throat (a thrilling experience if you've never had it done). It kind of cracks me up. Picture this, you sit forward, you stick out your tongue, the dr. grabs it and holds it out with a piece of gauze, you have a mic clipped to your shirt and you hold a stethoscope to your throat, then he sticks a very long and hard piece of metal into your throat and asks you to relax and sing "E" fairly high in your range. Then they say," there's a bit of tension". (really? lol). It is cool, to see your chords in action. So the good news, there are no nodes-that would be really bad- think Julie Andrews bad, and no vocal hemorrhage-thank god-so I'm grateful-it could have been really really bad. However, I still have very little sound. My chords are very swollen, and vascular. Which means they can't phonate properly. Singing or talking on them would not be a good thing. So, the course of action is-silence. Absolute and total. If I had to sing, then steroids are prescribed but should only be used when there is no other alternative. I'm lucky this happened this week. But it's scary as hell. Without my voice, well, I'm a mime! When I was in college, I had my jaw wired shut and I wasn't able to speak for 6 weeks. Not being able to speak certainly gives you an appreciation for others who can't and for what you have. I remember that people used to speak rather loudly to me as if because I couldn't speak, it meant that I also couldnt' hear. It was interesting to say the least.
So tomorrow, I'll be a mime and I'll dance my tucsh off and I'll wait. xx, Li
Some bad personal news:
On the way home I felt like I couldn't cough the crap off my chords, very odd but not unusual if you have GERD. And then when I woke up this morning, I had no voice. PANIC!!! (this doesn't happen to me-I don't mean because I'm immune, I mean cuz i try to take great care of my voice. When I'm singing, it's like being a professional athlete. I don't smoke and I try not to be around it, I don't drink, I try to sleep enuf, I work out, and I warm up-all the stuff you're supposed to do) I called my ENT (otolaryngologist) and cried hysterically while I waited for him to call me back. Luckily he took me right away. Thank god. He's just the best, Tim Anderson at Lahey. We scoped my throat (a thrilling experience if you've never had it done). It kind of cracks me up. Picture this, you sit forward, you stick out your tongue, the dr. grabs it and holds it out with a piece of gauze, you have a mic clipped to your shirt and you hold a stethoscope to your throat, then he sticks a very long and hard piece of metal into your throat and asks you to relax and sing "E" fairly high in your range. Then they say," there's a bit of tension". (really? lol). It is cool, to see your chords in action. So the good news, there are no nodes-that would be really bad- think Julie Andrews bad, and no vocal hemorrhage-thank god-so I'm grateful-it could have been really really bad. However, I still have very little sound. My chords are very swollen, and vascular. Which means they can't phonate properly. Singing or talking on them would not be a good thing. So, the course of action is-silence. Absolute and total. If I had to sing, then steroids are prescribed but should only be used when there is no other alternative. I'm lucky this happened this week. But it's scary as hell. Without my voice, well, I'm a mime! When I was in college, I had my jaw wired shut and I wasn't able to speak for 6 weeks. Not being able to speak certainly gives you an appreciation for others who can't and for what you have. I remember that people used to speak rather loudly to me as if because I couldn't speak, it meant that I also couldnt' hear. It was interesting to say the least.
So tomorrow, I'll be a mime and I'll dance my tucsh off and I'll wait. xx, Li
Photo Shoot Results
Leigh Barrett a
Todd Alan Johnson (Burrs), Marla Mindelle (Queenie), and Maurice E. Parent (Black)
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Wild Party Day 8
So let's see, it's very late. Later than I would like it to be and all the choreography is one big mush in my head.
I can't believe I actually Got the stuff we were doing this afternoon. Ilyse says that sometimes if you just let your mind go it comes to you. (not my mind, the mvt.) Today was choreo, alot and there's still more to come. I could feel people's brains freezing. The "kids" all went out tonight, so we'll see how "bonded" they are tomorrow. Luckily, because of the Easter holiday, we're not called until 1. But it will still be a long day-til 9. But a wonderful Monday is ahead of us. WE did the phot shoot today, God knows how they'll come out. I don't think I photograph well when i'm actually trying to be photographed. I'm much better candid. I'm off to bed. Singing bright and early tomorrow am. xx ,Li
I can't believe I actually Got the stuff we were doing this afternoon. Ilyse says that sometimes if you just let your mind go it comes to you. (not my mind, the mvt.) Today was choreo, alot and there's still more to come. I could feel people's brains freezing. The "kids" all went out tonight, so we'll see how "bonded" they are tomorrow. Luckily, because of the Easter holiday, we're not called until 1. But it will still be a long day-til 9. But a wonderful Monday is ahead of us. WE did the phot shoot today, God knows how they'll come out. I don't think I photograph well when i'm actually trying to be photographed. I'm much better candid. I'm off to bed. Singing bright and early tomorrow am. xx ,Li
Friday, April 06, 2007
Wild Party Day 7
so I just finished going over my number (and over and over and over), not singing full out though. (thank god the kids were upstairs playing game cube!) And my adorable husband looked at the lyrics to make sure I was getting them right. (and couldn't help making a few suggestions...heh,heh). I'm gonna blog fast so I can get to sleep-early to rehearsal tomorrow. Wig and costume fitting then a photo shoot. Then rehearsal. I think we're dancing all day, all the live long day....Been staging though, today and I really like that. Walking from place to place I can do. Love what Rick has come up with for my number-the one I just mentioned that I was just working on, and I think I've fleshed it out the rest of the way. We'll see if it works. I think so. Wish it were down a minor third though. That's my sweet spot (love you Toddy! Have I mentioned how much I love you?-how 'bout money? would that do it?) Anyway, there was lots more simulated sex going on. It's funny when someone from the "outside" world stops by and looks in the windows (children especially disconcerting). (the rehearsal space has these big windows open to the steps where there is art that the general public or anyone else can come and admire) I wonder what they must be thinking.
Today at play practice the following was heard...."My mouth is open, just stick something in it"...marla...not sure what that's in refrence to though, could be anything. And Rick mentioned something about oysters....I'll stop there. I forgot to mention that Jeremy Towle has joined the cast. He is playing our Jackie but was absent the first few days because of anther show. He does a russian off of the pouf, that is just amazing. Let me explain, a Russian, in this instance, is a dance move that means jumping high into the air and doing a split and landing back on the ground, hopefully upright. He does it and it's thrilling. I hope he keeps that in-just for me. And a pouf is a giant "sit onable", like an ottoman. He also does a back flip-WHAT? Brian and Paul are the brothers D'armato, a piano and composing "brother" duo. They, in the play, have written a musicale based on Adam and Eve and the lead into it is pretty funny. Todd J. is hysterical and scary and hysterical. It is amazing to see how all these creative minds race to come up with new and interesting ways to get from point A to point B and Rick is a terrifically generous director in that way. He allows us all to be a part of the creative process, putting in our 2 cents, making us feel like it's actually worth something and of course as the director, being the final arbitor of what ends up in the piece. But being able to take a chance, make a mistake, take a risk and feel safe doing it, is what the "process" (hate that word) is all about. Todd G. is making his big acting debut in this as the neighbor! Hilarious. I know that you all enjoyed his "Play Ball" from last seasons Ragtime ( why he didnt' get a norton nom for that portrayal is a scandal-lol-though he did recently win the IRNE for music directing Ragtime-well deserved-not a suck up for key changing!), but this is a huge leap for his acting career at New Rep. Eddie and Mae (Jake and Ilyse) did their number too and it is just 12 shades of adorable! You're gonna love it. The quartet sounds so so good, I can 't believe I have to do my number after it. Outside of rehearsal, everyone is making plans for Passover (or made plans I should say) or Easter. Talking about their favorite Easter candy. Some are going out tomorrow night to do some "cast bonding". I won't be joining as I've got some big singing to do on Sunday, so bond for me and let me know what happens so I can blog it. I think I'm going to bed. Can't remember anything else....literally. xx, Li PS David Costa and Jeff Mahoney opened tonight in Singing in the Rain-I'm sure it went fantastic!
Today at play practice the following was heard...."My mouth is open, just stick something in it"...marla...not sure what that's in refrence to though, could be anything. And Rick mentioned something about oysters....I'll stop there. I forgot to mention that Jeremy Towle has joined the cast. He is playing our Jackie but was absent the first few days because of anther show. He does a russian off of the pouf, that is just amazing. Let me explain, a Russian, in this instance, is a dance move that means jumping high into the air and doing a split and landing back on the ground, hopefully upright. He does it and it's thrilling. I hope he keeps that in-just for me. And a pouf is a giant "sit onable", like an ottoman. He also does a back flip-WHAT? Brian and Paul are the brothers D'armato, a piano and composing "brother" duo. They, in the play, have written a musicale based on Adam and Eve and the lead into it is pretty funny. Todd J. is hysterical and scary and hysterical. It is amazing to see how all these creative minds race to come up with new and interesting ways to get from point A to point B and Rick is a terrifically generous director in that way. He allows us all to be a part of the creative process, putting in our 2 cents, making us feel like it's actually worth something and of course as the director, being the final arbitor of what ends up in the piece. But being able to take a chance, make a mistake, take a risk and feel safe doing it, is what the "process" (hate that word) is all about. Todd G. is making his big acting debut in this as the neighbor! Hilarious. I know that you all enjoyed his "Play Ball" from last seasons Ragtime ( why he didnt' get a norton nom for that portrayal is a scandal-lol-though he did recently win the IRNE for music directing Ragtime-well deserved-not a suck up for key changing!), but this is a huge leap for his acting career at New Rep. Eddie and Mae (Jake and Ilyse) did their number too and it is just 12 shades of adorable! You're gonna love it. The quartet sounds so so good, I can 't believe I have to do my number after it. Outside of rehearsal, everyone is making plans for Passover (or made plans I should say) or Easter. Talking about their favorite Easter candy. Some are going out tomorrow night to do some "cast bonding". I won't be joining as I've got some big singing to do on Sunday, so bond for me and let me know what happens so I can blog it. I think I'm going to bed. Can't remember anything else....literally. xx, Li PS David Costa and Jeff Mahoney opened tonight in Singing in the Rain-I'm sure it went fantastic!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Wild Party Day 6
Ok, so I'm a blog late and definitely a dollar short.
We're starting to block (stage) the show-the scene work. I haven't been called the past few mornings cuz I'm not really in the first few scenes? I guess that's what they're called but they're not really quite scenes actually, well maybe they are...I don't know. Anyway, I'm not in them but Brian DeLorenzo (god I hope I spelled that right) and I will be singing off stage while others onstage are writhing around. We began staging today from the end of Raise the Roof...and did an improv thing. (love to improv-speaking, movement, life-I just love it) (did anyone note the subtle sarcasm?) I just don't feel like I'm good at it. I feel like what ever choice I'm making is wrong, and I look totally stupid doing it-something to get over, note to self. It was helpful though and then we went back and used the improv to inform the movement and interaction. Ok I get it. It was nice to do some scene stuff, now that I can remember. (emphasis on that, I can't seem to make anything underlined). Grabbed Perri's boobs-sorry. There's alot of that going on-and Perri actually fit herself under a chair! Like crawled through the bottom rungs of a chair-to get away from TAJ (Todd Alan Johnson)-hilarious. She just ran away from me. lol. While staging here are 2 words from the Rick Lombardo dictionary-"Queenie sexified" and "orgasmatron". Too tired to write anymore and it's late. See you in the morning!!!
xx, Li
We're starting to block (stage) the show-the scene work. I haven't been called the past few mornings cuz I'm not really in the first few scenes? I guess that's what they're called but they're not really quite scenes actually, well maybe they are...I don't know. Anyway, I'm not in them but Brian DeLorenzo (god I hope I spelled that right) and I will be singing off stage while others onstage are writhing around. We began staging today from the end of Raise the Roof...and did an improv thing. (love to improv-speaking, movement, life-I just love it) (did anyone note the subtle sarcasm?) I just don't feel like I'm good at it. I feel like what ever choice I'm making is wrong, and I look totally stupid doing it-something to get over, note to self. It was helpful though and then we went back and used the improv to inform the movement and interaction. Ok I get it. It was nice to do some scene stuff, now that I can remember. (emphasis on that, I can't seem to make anything underlined). Grabbed Perri's boobs-sorry. There's alot of that going on-and Perri actually fit herself under a chair! Like crawled through the bottom rungs of a chair-to get away from TAJ (Todd Alan Johnson)-hilarious. She just ran away from me. lol. While staging here are 2 words from the Rick Lombardo dictionary-"Queenie sexified" and "orgasmatron". Too tired to write anymore and it's late. See you in the morning!!!
xx, Li
Congratulations Leigh!
Backstage @ New Rep congratulates Leigh Barrett on her Elliot Award Nomination.
Outstanding Performer in a Musical - Midsized Theater: Leigh Barrett Ragtime
New Rep received 8 nominations.
Outstanding Production - Midsized Theater: Pillowman
Outstanding Production of a Musical - Midsized Theater: Ragtime
Outstanding Performer in a Musical - Midsized Theater: Leigh Barrett Ragtime
Outstanding Performer in a Musical - Midsized Theater: Stephanie Umoh Ragtime
Downstage @ New Rep Nominations:
Outstanding Solo Performer - Small Theater: Diego Arciniegas Thom Pain (based on nothing)
Outstanding Production - Small Theater: White People
Outstanding Performer - Small Theater: Georgia Lyman White People
Outstanding Director – Small Theater: Diego Arciniegas White People
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Wild Party Day 4
In my next life (and i wil be back cuz i know I haven't gotten it right yet), I'm coming back as a tenor/baritone who dances.
Today I wasn't called until 2:30. That was a great gift. My kids were off today too so I could spend time with them and sleep a little bit this morning. That was nice. But I know that others were at rehearsal working their butts off. I think they were doing the first few numbers which I'm not in. Tomorrow, I'm not in until 3, so I'll be doing a photo shoot for my fall show, Gypsy! at Stoneham Theater (so thrilled about that!!). Once we get to rehearsal, we'll be doing more juggernot and finishing, I think raise the roof. Today, I think although i came in later, I must have been tired, cuz everything was making me laugh. So we were working on Raise the Roof and it turns out that one of the people that i have a pas de deux with is Paul Giragos. Kelly left us to our own devices (big mistake). We came up with a move or two, I grabbed Paul from behind (whoo) and then we borrowed a move that I do with Aimee, a pelvic grind. And Paul started a move that was, well not the right style shall we say? And I grabbed him and said "Paul, it's not a 50's sock hop!" and proceeded to shove my 'business" towards his "business" and his face was hilarious-"woo, Li, um, ok, ah...." I couldn't stop laughing. Carola and Jen were in hysterics. It doesn't sound as funny in writing, but it was. And then Kelly suggested that Paul give me a lap dance-wow! who saw that coming? and that just sent me laughing again. We did get something done though. More girls flying into the arms of their awaiting partners. That's about it. That's about all I can remember. I should take notes during rehearsal....I'm still trying to remember the choreo. I seem to remember it when I'm doing it, so that's good. Ran on the treadmill (thanks Aimee!) and off to bed. Happy Passover everyone.
xx, Li
Today I wasn't called until 2:30. That was a great gift. My kids were off today too so I could spend time with them and sleep a little bit this morning. That was nice. But I know that others were at rehearsal working their butts off. I think they were doing the first few numbers which I'm not in. Tomorrow, I'm not in until 3, so I'll be doing a photo shoot for my fall show, Gypsy! at Stoneham Theater (so thrilled about that!!). Once we get to rehearsal, we'll be doing more juggernot and finishing, I think raise the roof. Today, I think although i came in later, I must have been tired, cuz everything was making me laugh. So we were working on Raise the Roof and it turns out that one of the people that i have a pas de deux with is Paul Giragos. Kelly left us to our own devices (big mistake). We came up with a move or two, I grabbed Paul from behind (whoo) and then we borrowed a move that I do with Aimee, a pelvic grind. And Paul started a move that was, well not the right style shall we say? And I grabbed him and said "Paul, it's not a 50's sock hop!" and proceeded to shove my 'business" towards his "business" and his face was hilarious-"woo, Li, um, ok, ah...." I couldn't stop laughing. Carola and Jen were in hysterics. It doesn't sound as funny in writing, but it was. And then Kelly suggested that Paul give me a lap dance-wow! who saw that coming? and that just sent me laughing again. We did get something done though. More girls flying into the arms of their awaiting partners. That's about it. That's about all I can remember. I should take notes during rehearsal....I'm still trying to remember the choreo. I seem to remember it when I'm doing it, so that's good. Ran on the treadmill (thanks Aimee!) and off to bed. Happy Passover everyone.
xx, Li
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Wild Party Day 3
Just how much advil can you take and still count on having a liver? We missed David Costa terribly today, but we wish him much love as he prepares to open in Singing in the Rain as Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly role) with Aimee Doherty's adorable husband Jeff as Cosmo! (road trip!). Funny things heard around the rehearsal hall: "Just don't flail around"-Ken to Michelle-hilarious! I'm not sure why it is but it was and still makes me giggle. "I'm stuffing that one back inside" -again Ken. "I burned my eyeball with a curling iron, had to where sunglasses, gloves, and wispy bangs" -Betsy-Ask her about it. "So I just lay on top of you?-I'll crush you"-not naming names, "I'm not sure my body moves like that"-pretty much anyone in the cast can claim that one. There were more, but I can't remember them.
Today at play practice....I kissed a girl for the first time. (can't say as I ever thought I'd be writing that!) And it was Marla. Wow! It was actually pretty cool to just do it. Wasn't sure I could just do it honestly. I wasnt' sure how to do it, didn't want to do it wrong, or look stupid doing it. (not unlike the first time you kiss Anyone!). I don't know how it looked or how Marla felt about it. It just was. And it wasn't any different than kissing a boy-except, lucky for Marla (and me) she doesn't have razor stubble! (neither do I!-I can just hear you all chiming in!),It was very nice. And again, lucky for me, we have similar coloring so we won't have any trouble in the lipstick dept! Ha. One of my favorite moments so far, is shoving Paul Giragos (that made me laugh too).
We worked on choreo again today-what a suprise! Reviewing and building. After lunch we learned new stuff and can I just say-=it's damn sexy! For Juggernaut, Kelly has various pairs (and I mean various!), and trios, girls with girls and boys with boys and girls with boys too. I get a very sexy moment with Aimee D. and can I say? Makin me kinda hot! then I get a moment with Peri-and well, damn...you'll just have to see the show. The rest, not wanting to give too much away, Michelle and Betsy with Ken and Andy M. are incredible. Flying, leaping, rolling around-moving like molten liquid. I just hope their wigs stay on! Paul, Ilyse and Brian have a smokin trio goin on and I can't believe that Ilyse can just flip over backward! Honestly can't remember what else is going on, sorry. I think there's some lifts and sexy back goin on with Maurice and Marla too. AND the song isn't half over!
I don't feel as sore today, that's good. I just hope I can remember what I learned for Tuesday. I think we're working some music, that's good-we could really use that. Everyone is working hard (that sounds stupid, everyone always works hard, but it's true) There is sooo much going on in this piece. Right now it just feels like a bunch of separate pieces but soon it will feel like one big flowing unit. I hope everyone rests up for our first full week. Most of the cast have other lives beyond the footlights. Day jobs to revist on the "day off", auditions to get to back in NY, families to take care of, laundry and groceries to do, homework and classes to get to. So our "day off" is our one chance to catch up on our everyday lives before we get to come back to work creating the world of Wild Party. Nighty night! xx Li
Today at play practice....I kissed a girl for the first time. (can't say as I ever thought I'd be writing that!) And it was Marla. Wow! It was actually pretty cool to just do it. Wasn't sure I could just do it honestly. I wasnt' sure how to do it, didn't want to do it wrong, or look stupid doing it. (not unlike the first time you kiss Anyone!). I don't know how it looked or how Marla felt about it. It just was. And it wasn't any different than kissing a boy-except, lucky for Marla (and me) she doesn't have razor stubble! (neither do I!-I can just hear you all chiming in!),It was very nice. And again, lucky for me, we have similar coloring so we won't have any trouble in the lipstick dept! Ha. One of my favorite moments so far, is shoving Paul Giragos (that made me laugh too).
We worked on choreo again today-what a suprise! Reviewing and building. After lunch we learned new stuff and can I just say-=it's damn sexy! For Juggernaut, Kelly has various pairs (and I mean various!), and trios, girls with girls and boys with boys and girls with boys too. I get a very sexy moment with Aimee D. and can I say? Makin me kinda hot! then I get a moment with Peri-and well, damn...you'll just have to see the show. The rest, not wanting to give too much away, Michelle and Betsy with Ken and Andy M. are incredible. Flying, leaping, rolling around-moving like molten liquid. I just hope their wigs stay on! Paul, Ilyse and Brian have a smokin trio goin on and I can't believe that Ilyse can just flip over backward! Honestly can't remember what else is going on, sorry. I think there's some lifts and sexy back goin on with Maurice and Marla too. AND the song isn't half over!
I don't feel as sore today, that's good. I just hope I can remember what I learned for Tuesday. I think we're working some music, that's good-we could really use that. Everyone is working hard (that sounds stupid, everyone always works hard, but it's true) There is sooo much going on in this piece. Right now it just feels like a bunch of separate pieces but soon it will feel like one big flowing unit. I hope everyone rests up for our first full week. Most of the cast have other lives beyond the footlights. Day jobs to revist on the "day off", auditions to get to back in NY, families to take care of, laundry and groceries to do, homework and classes to get to. So our "day off" is our one chance to catch up on our everyday lives before we get to come back to work creating the world of Wild Party. Nighty night! xx Li
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